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It is a strange thing£¬that when I feel most ferventlyand most deeply£¬my hands and my tongue seem aliketied£¬so that I cannot ringhtly describe or accurately portraythe thoughts that are rising within me£»and yet I am apainter£ºmy eye tells me as much as that£¬and all myfriends who have seen my sketches and fancies say thesame£®

I am a poor lad£¬and live in one of the narrowest oflanes£»but I do not want for light£¬as my room is high upin the house£¬with an extensive prospect over the neigh£­bouring roofs£®During the first few days I went to live inthe town£¬I felt low-spirited and solitary enough£®Insteadof the forest and the green hills£¬I had here only the greychimneys to look out upon£®And I had not then a singlefriend£»not one familiar face greeted me£®

So one evening I stood at the window£¬in a despond£­ing mood£»and presently I opened the casement and looked out£®Oh£¬how my heart leaped up with joy£¡Herewas a well£­known face at last—a round£¬friendly counte£­nance£¬the of a good friend I had known at home£®Infact£¬it was the Moon that looked in upon me£®He wasquite unchanged£¬the dear old Moon£¬and had the sameface exactly that he used to show when he peered downupon me through the willow trees on the moor£®I kissedmy hand to him over and over again£¬as he shone straightinto my little room£»and he£¬for his part£¬promised me that every evening£¬when he came abroad£¬he would lookin upon me for a few moments£®This promise he has faith£­fully kept£®It is a pity that he can only stay such a shorttime when he comes£®Whenever he appears£¬he tells meof one thing or another that he has seen on the previousnight or on that same evening£®

"Just paint the scenes I describe to you£¡"This iswhat he said to me—"And you will have a very pretty pic£­ture£­book£®"

I have followed his injunction for many evenings£®Icould make up a new "Thousand and One Nights"£¬in myown way£¬out of these pictures£¬but the number might betoo great£¬after all£®The pictures I have here given have notbeen selected£¬but follow each other£¬just as they were de-scribed to me£®Some great gifted painter£¬or some poet ormusician£¬may make something more of them if he likes£»what I have given here are only hasty sketches£¬hurriedlyput upon the paper£¬with some of my own thoughts inter-spersed£»for the Moon did not come to me every evening—a cloud sometimes hid his face from me£®




"Last night£¡"—I am quoting the Moon's ownwords—"last night I was gliding through the cloudless In£­dian sky£®My face was mirrored in the waters of theGanges£¬and my beams strove to pierce through the thickintertwining boughs of the plane trees£¬arching beneath melike the tortoise's shell£®Forth from the thicket tripped aHindoo maid£¬light was a gazelle£¬beautiful as Eve£®Therewas something so airy and ethrereal£¬and yet so full andfirm in this daughter of Hindostan£ºI could read herthoughts through her delicate skin£®The thorny creepingplants tore her sandals£¬but for all that she came rapidlyforward£®The deer which came from the river where it hadquenched its thirst£¬sprang by with a startled bound£¬for inher hand the maiden bore a lighted lamp£®I could see the blood in her delicate finger£­tips£¬as she spread them for ascreen before the flame£®She came down to the stream£¬andset the lamp upon the water£¬and let it float away£®Theflame flickered to and fro£¬and seemed ready to expire£»butstill the lamp burned on£¬and the girl's black sparklingeyes£¬half£­veiled behind their long silken lashes£¬followedit with a gaze of earnest intensity£®She well knew that ifthe lamp continued to burn so long as she could keep it insight£¬her betrothed still alive£»but if the lamp wassuddenly extinguished£¬he was dead£®And the lampburned and quivered£¬and her heart burned and trembled£»she fell on her knees£¬and prayed£®Near her in the grasslay a speckled snake£¬but she heeded it not—she thoughtonly of Brahma and of her betrothed£®' He lives£¡'sheshouted joyfully£¬' he lives£¡'And from the mountains theecho came back upon her£¬'He lives£¡'"




"Yesterday£¬" said the Moon to me£¬"I looked downupon a small courtyard surrounded on all sides by houses£®In the courtyard sat a hen with eleven cinckens£»and apretty little girl was running and jumping around them£®The hen was frightened£¬and screamed£¬and spread outher wings over the little brood£®Then the girl's fathercame out and scolded her£»and I glided away and thoughtno more of the matter£®

"But this evening£¬only a few minutes ago£¬Ilooked down into the same courtyard£®Everything wasquiet£®But presently the little girl came forth again£¬crept quietly to the hen£­house£¬pushed back the bolt£¬and slipped into the apartment of the hens and chick£­ens£®They cried out loudly£¬and came fluttering downfrom their perches£¬and ran about in dismay£¬and thelittle girl ran after them£®I saw it quite plainly£¬for Ilooked through a hole in the hen£­house wall£®I was an-gry with the wilful child£¬and felt glad when her fathercame out and scolded her more violently than yesterday£¬holding her roughly by the arm£ºshe held down herhead£¬and her blue eyes were full of large tears£®'Whatare you about here£¿'he asked£®She wept and said£¬' Iwanted to kiss the hen and beg her pardon for frighten£­ing her yesterday£»but I was afraid to tell you£®'

"And the father kissed the innocent child's foreheadand I kissed her on the mouth and eyes£®




"In the narrow street round the corner yonder—it isso narrow that my beams can only glide for minute alongthe walls of the house£¬but in that minute I see enough tolearn what the world is made of—in that narrow street Isaw a woman£®Sixteen years ago that woman was a child£¬playing in the garden of the old parsonage in the country£®The hedges rose bushes were old£¬and the flowers werefaded£®They straggled wild over the paths£¬and the raggedbranches grew up among the boughs of the apple-trees£»here and there were a few roses still in bloom—not so fairas the queen of flowers generally appears£¬but still they hadcolour and too£®The clergyman's little daughter ap-peared to me a far lovelier rose£¬as she sat on her stool un£­der the straggling hedge£¬hugging and caressing her dollwith the battered pasteboard cheeks£®

"Ten years afterwards I saw her again£®I beheld herin a splendid ball£­room£ºshe was the beautiful bride of arich merchant£®I rejoiced at her happiness£¬and sought heron calm quiet evenings—Ah£¬nobody thinks of my cleareye and my sure glance£¡Alas£¡My rose ran wild£¬like therose bushes in the garden of the parsonage£®There aretragedies in everyday life£¬and tonight I saw the last act ofone£®

"She was lying in bed in a house in that narrowstreet£»she was sick unto death£¬and the cruel landlordcame up£¬and tore away the thin coverlet£¬her only protec£­tion against the cold£®' Get up£¡'said he£»' your face isenough to frighten one£®Get up dress yourself£®Give memoney£¬or I'll turn you out into the street£¡Quick—getup£¡'She answered£¬' Alas£¡Death is gnawing at my heart£®Let me rest£®'But he forced her to get up and bathe herface£¬and put a wreath of roses in her hair£»and he placedher in a chair at the window£¬with a candle burning besideher£¬and went away£®

"I looked at her£¬and she was sitting motionless£¬withher hands in her lap£®The wind caught the open windowand shut it with a crash£¬so that a pane came clatteringdown in fragments£»but still she never moved£®The cur-tain fluttered like a flame about her£»she was dead£®There at the window sat the dead woman£¬preacthing asermon against sin—my poor faded rose out of the par£­sonage garden£¡"




"Last evening I saw a German play acted£¬"said theMoon£®

"It was in a little town£®A stable had been turnedinto a theatre£»that is to say£¬the stalls had been leftstanding£¬and had been turned into private boxes£¬and allthe timber£­work had been covered with coloured paper£®Alittle iron chandelier hung beneath the ceiling£¬and that itmight be made to disappear into the ceiling£¬as it does ingreat theatres£¬when the ting—ting of the prompter'sbell is heard£¬a great inverted tub had been placed justabove it£®

"' Ting£­ting£¡'And the little iron chandelier sud-denly rose at least half a yard and disappeared in the tub£»and that was the sign that the play was going to begin£®Ayoung nobleman and his lady£¬who happened to be pass£­ing through the little town£¬were present at the perfor£­mance£¬and consequently the house was crowded£®But un-der the chandelier was a vacant space like a little crater£ºnot a single soul sat there£¬for the tallow was dropping£¬drip£¬drip£¡I saw everythiing£¬for it was so warm in therethat every loophole had been opened£®The male and fe-male servants stood outside£¬peeping through the chinks£¬although the policeman was inside£¬threatening them witha stick£®Close by the orchestra could be seen the nobleyoung couple in two old arm-chairs£¬which were usuallyoccupied by his worship the mayor and his lady£»but theselatter were today obliged to content themselves with wood£­en forms£¬just as if they had been ordinary citizens£»andthe lady observed quietly to herself£¬'One sees£¬now£¬that there is rank above rank£»'and this incident gave anair of extra festivity to the whole proceedings£®The chan£­delier gave little leaps£¬the crowd got their knucklesrapped£¬and I£¬the Moon£¬was present at the performancefrom beginning to end£®"




"Yesterday£¬"began the Moon£¬"I looked down uponthe turmoil of Paris£®My eye penetrated into an apartmentof the Louvre£®An old grandmother£¬poorly clad—she be£­longed to the working class—was following one of the un£­der£­servants into the great empty throne£­room£¬for this wasthe apartment she wanted to see—that she was resolved tosee£»it had cost her many a little sacrifice and many acoaxing word to penetrate thus far£®She folded her thinhands£¬and looked round with an air of reverence£¬as if shehad been in a church£®

"' Here it was £¡'she said£¬' here£¡'And she ap-proached the throne£¬from which hung the rich velvetfringed with gold lace£®' There £¬'she exclaimed£¬' there£¡'and she knelt and kissed the purple carpet£®I think she wasactually weeping£®

'But it was not this very velvet£¡'observed the foot-man£¬'and a smile played about his mouth£®

"'True£¬but it was this very place£¬'replied the wom£­an£¬and it must have looked just like this£®'

"'It looked so£¬and yet it did not£¬'observed theman£º'the windows were beaten in£¬and the doors were offtheir hinges£¬and there was blood upon the floor£®'

"'But for all that you can say£¬my grandson died up£­on the throne of France£®''Died£¡'mournfully repeated theold woman£®

"I do not think another word was spoken£¬and theysoon quitted the hall£®The evening twilight faded£¬and mylight shone doubly vivid upon the rich velvet that coveredthe throne of France£®

"Now£¬who do you think this poor woman was£¿Lis£­ten£¬I will tell you a story£®

"It happened in the Revolution of July£¬on the

evening of the most brilliantly victorious day£¬when everyhouse was a fortress£¬every window a breastwork£®Thepeople stormed the Tuileries£®Even women and childrenwere to be found among the combatants£®They penetratedinto the apartments and halls of the palace£®A poor half-grown boy in a ragged blouse fought among the older in£­surgents£®Mortally wounded with several bayonet thrusts£¬he sank down£®This happened in the throne£­room£®Theylaid the bleeding youth upon the throne of France£¬wrapped the velvet round his wounds£¬and his bloodstreamed forth upon the impenrial purple£®There was pic£­ture£¡The splendid hall£¬the fighting groups£¡A torn flaglay upon the ground£¬the tricolour was waving above thebayonets£¬and on the throne lay the poor lad with the paleglorified countenance£¬his eyes turned towards the sky£¬his limbs writhing in the death agony£¬his breast bare£¬and his poor tattered clothing half-hidden by the rich vel£­vet embroidered with silver lilies£®At the boy's cradle aprophecy had been spoken£º'He will die on the throne of France£¡'The mother's heart had fondly imagined asecond Napoleon£®

My beams have kissed the wreath of immortelles onhis grave£¬and this night they kissed the forehead of theold grandame£¬while in a dream the picture floated beforeher which thou mayest draw—the poor boy on the throneof France£®"




"I've been in Upsala£¬"said the Moon£º"I lookeddown upon the great plain covered with coarse grass£¬andupon the barren fields£®I mirrored my face in the Fyrisriver£¬while the steamboat scared the fish into the rushes£®Beneath me floated the clouds£¬throwing long shadows onthe so£­called graves of Odin£¬Thor£¬and Frey£®In thescanty turf that covers the grave£­mounds£¬names havebeen cut£®There is no monument here£¬no memorial onwhich the traveller can have his name carved£¬no rockywall on whose surface he can get painted£»so visitorshave the turf cut away for that purpose£®The naked earthpeers through in the form of great letters and names£»these form a network over the whole hill£®Here is an im£­mortality£¬which lasts till the fresh turf grows£¡

"Up on the hill stood a man£¬a poet£®He emptiedthe mead horn with the broad silver rim£¬and murmured aname£®He begged the winds not to betray him£¬but I

heard the name£®I knew it£®A count's coronet sparklesabove it£¬and therefore he did not speak it out£®I smiled£¬for I knew that a poet's crown adorned his own name£®The nobility of Eleanora d'Este is attached to the name ofTasso£®And I also know where the Rose of Beauty


Thus spake the Moon£¬and a cloud came between

us£®May no cloud separate the poet from the rose£¡




"Along the margin of the shore stretches a forest offirs and beeches£¬and fresh and fragrant is this wood£»hun£­dreds of nightingales visit it every spring£®Close beside it isthe sea£¬the ever£­changing sea£¬and between the two isplaced the broad high road£®One carriage after another rollsover it£»but I did not follow them£¬for my eye loves best torest upon one point£®A grave£­mound stands there£¬and thesloe and blackberry grow luxuriantly among the stones£®Here is true poetry in nature£®

"And how do you think men appreciate this poetry£¿Iwill tell you what I heard there last evening and during thenight£®

"First£¬two rich landed proprietors came driving by£®'Those are glorious£¡'said the first£®'Certainly thereare ten loads of firewood in each£¬'observed the other£º'it will be a hard winter£¬and last year we got fourteendollars a load'—and they were gone£®'The road here iswretched£¬'observed another man who drove past£®'That'sthe fault of those horrible trees£¬'replied his neighbour£»'there is no free current of air£»the wind can only comefrom the sea'—and they were gone£®The stage coachwent rattling past£®All the passengers were asleep at thisbeautiful spot£®The postilion blew his horn£¬but he onlythought£¬'I can play capitally£®It sounds well here£®Iwonder if those in there like It£¿'—and the stage coachvanished£®Then two young fellows came gallopping up onhorseback£®There's youth and spirit in the blood here£¡thought I£»and£¬indeed£¬they looked with a smile at themoss£­grown hill and thick forest£®'I should not dislike awalk here with the miller's Christine£¬'said one—andthey flew past£®

"The flowers scented the air£»every breath of air washushed£ºit seemed as if the sea were a part of the sky thatstretched above the the deep valley£®A carriage rolled by£®Sixpeople were sitting in it£®Four of them were asleep£»thefifth was thinking of his new summer coat£¬which wouldsuit him admirably£»the sixth turned to the coachman and asked him if there were anything remarkable connectedwith yonder heap of stones£®'No£¬'replied the coachman£¬'it's only a heap of stones£»but the trees are remark-able£®'' How so£¿'' Why£¬I'll tell you how they are veryremarkable£®You see£¬in winter£¬when the snow lies verydeep£¬and has hidden the whole road so that nothing is tobe seen£¬those trees serve for a landmark£®I steer bythem£¬so as not to drive into the sea£»and you see that isWhy the trees are remarkable£®'

"Now came a painter£®He spoke not a word£¬but hiseyes sparkled£®he began to whistle£®At this the nightin£­gales sang louder than ever£®'Hold your tongues£¡'hecried£¬testily£»and he made accurate notes of all thecolours and transition—blue£¬and lilac£¬and dark brown£®'That will make a beautiful picture£¬'he said£®He took itin just as a mirror takes in a view£»and as he workedhe whistled a march of Rossini's£®And last of all came apoor girl£®She laid aside the burden she carried and satdown to rest by the grave£­mound£®Her pale handsomeface was bent in a listening attitude towards the forest£®Her eyes brightened£¬she gazed earnestly at the sea andthe sky£¬her hands were folded£¬and I think she prayed£¬'Our Father£®'She herself could not understand thefeeiling that swept through her£¬but I know that thisminute and the beautiful natural scene will live within hermemory for year£¬far more vividly and more truly thanthe painter could portray it with his colours on paper£®Myrays followed her till the morning dawn kissed her brow£®"




Heavy clouds obscured the sky£¬and the Moon didnot make his appearance at all£®I stood in my little room£¬more lonely than ever£¬and looked up at the sky where heought to have shown himself£®My thoughts flew far away£¬up to my great friend£¬who every evening told me suchpretty tales£¬and showed me pictures£®Yes£¬he has had anexperience indeed£®He glided over waters of the Del-uge£¬and smiled on Noah's ark just as he lately glanceddowm upon me£¬and brought comfort and promise of a newworld that was to spring forth from the old£®When the Chil£­dren of Israel sat weeping by the waters of Babylon£¬heglanced mournfully between the willows where hung thesilent harps£®When Romeo climbed the balcony£¬and thepromise of true love fluttered like a cherub toward heaven£¬the round Moon hung£¬half£­hidden among the dark cy£­presses£¬in the lucid air£®He saw the captive giant atSt£®Helena£¬looking from the lonely rock across the wideocean£¬while great thoughts swept through his soul£®Ah£¡What tales the Moon can tell£®Human life is like a storyto him£®

Tonight I shall not see thee again£¬old friend£®Tonight I can draw no picture of the memories of thyvisit£®And£¬as I looked dreamily towards the clouds£¬thesky became bright£®There was a glancing light£¬and abeam from the Moon fell upon me£®It vanished again£¬and dark clouds flew past£»but still it was a greeting£¬afriendly good£­night offered to me by the Moon£®




The air was clear again£®Several evenings hadpassed£¬and the Moon was in the first quarter£®Again hegave me an outline for a sketch£®Listen to what he toldme£®

"I have followed polar bird and the swimmingwhale to the eastern coast of Greenland£®Gaunt ice-cov-ered rocks and dark clouds hung over a valley£¬wheredwarf willows and bilberry bushes stood clothed in green£®The blooming Iychnis exhaled sweet odours£®My light wasfaint£¬my face pale as the water£­lily that£¬torn from itsstem£¬has been drifting for weeks with the tide£®Thecrown£­shaped Northern Lights burned in the sky£®Its ringwas broad£¬and from its circumference the rays shot likewhirling shafts of fire across the whole sky£¬changing fromgreen to red£®The inhabitants of that icy region were as£­sembling for dance and festivity£»but accustomed to thisglorious spectacle£¬they scarcely deigned to glance at it£®'Let us leave the souls of the dead to their ball£­play withthe heads of the walruses£¬'they thought in their supersti£­tion£¬and they turned their whole attention to the song anddance£®In the midst of the circle£¬and divested of his furrycloak£¬stood a Greenlander£¬with his small drum£¬and heplayed and sang a song about catching the seal£¬and thechorus around chimed in with' Eia£¬Eia£¬Ah£®'And intheir white furs they danced about in the circle£¬till youmight fancy it was polar bears'ball£®

"And now a Court of Judgement was opened£®ThoseGreenlanders who bad quarrelled stepped fortward£¬and theoffended person chanted forth the faults of his adversary inan extempore song£¬turning them sharply into ridicule£¬tothe sound of the drum and the measure of the dance£®Thedefendant replied with satire as keen£¬while the audiencelaughed and gave their verdict£®

The rocks heaved£¬the glaciers melted£¬and greatmasses of ice and snow came crashing down£¬shivering tofragments as they fell£ºit was a glorious Greenland summernight£®A hundred paces away£¬under the open tent ofhides£¬lay a sick man£®Life still flowed through his warm blood£¬but still he was to die£»he himself felt it£¬and allwho stood round him knew it also£»therefore his wife wasalready sewing round him the shroud of furs£¬that she mightnot afterwards obliged to touch the dead body£®And sheasked£¬'Wilt thou be buried on the rock£¬in the firm snow£¿I will deck the spot with thy£®kayak£¬and thy arrows£¬andthe angekokk shall dance over it£®Or wouldst thou rather beburied in the sea£¿''In the sea£¬'he whispered£¬and nod£­ded with a mournful smile£®' Yes£¬it is a pleasant summertent£¬the sea£¬'observed the wife£®'Thousands of sealssport there£¬the walrus shall lie at thy feet£¬and the huntwill be safe and merry£¡'And the yelling children tore theoutspread hide from the window£­hole£¬that the dead manmight be carried to the ocean£¬the billowy ocean£¬that hadgiven him food in life£¬and that now£¬in death£¬was to af-ford him a place of rest£®For his monument£¬he had thefloating£¬ever£­changing icebergs£¬whereon the seal sleeps£¬while the storm bird flies round their summits£®"




"I knew an old maid£¬" said the Moon£®"Every win£­ter she wore a wrapper of yellow satin£¬and it always re£­mained new£¬and was the only fashion she followed£®Insummer she always wore the same straw hat£¬and I verilybelieve the very same grey£­blue dress£®

"She never went out£¬except across the street to anold female friend£»and in later years she did not even takethis walk£¬for the old friend was dead£®In her solitude myold maid was always busy at the window£¬which wasadorned in summer with pretty flowers£¬and in winter withcress£¬grown upon felt£®During the last months I saw herno more at the window£¬but she was still alive£®I knewthat£¬for I had not yet seen her begin the'long journey'£¬of which she often spoke with her friend£®'Yes£¬yes£¬'she was in the habit of saying£¬'when I come to die£¬Ishall take a longer journey than I have made my whole lifelong£®Our family vault is six miles from here£®I shall becarried there£¬and shall sleep there among my family andrelatives£®'Last night a hearse stopped at the house£®Acoffin was carried out£¬and then I knew that she wasdead£®They placed straw round the coffin£¬and the hearsedrove away£®There slept the quiet old lady£¬who had notgone out of her house once for the last year£®The hearserolled out through the town gate as briskly as if it weregoing for a pleasant excursion£®On the high road the pacewas quicker yet£®The coachman looked nervously roundevery now and then—I fancy he half expected to see hersitting on the coffin£¬in her yellow satin wrapper£®Andbecause he was startled£¬he foolishly lashed his horses£¬while he held the reins so tightly that the poor beasts werein a foam£¡They were young and fiery£®A hare jumped across the road and startled them£¬and they fairly ranaway£®"The sober old maid£¬who had for years and yearsmoved quietly round and round in a dull circle£¬wasnow£¬in death£¬rattled over stock and stone on the pub£­lic highway£®The coffin in its covering of straw tumbledout of the hearse£¬and was left on the high road£¬whilehorses£¬coachman£¬and hearse flew off in wild career£®The lark rose up carolling from the field£¬twittering hermorning lay over the coffin£¬and presently perched uponit£¬picking with her beak at the straw covering£¬as thoughshe would tear it up£®The lark rose up again£¬singing gai£­ly£¬and I withdrew behind the red morning clouds£®"




"It was a wedding festival£¬"said the Moon£®"Songswere sung£¬toasts were drunk£¬everything was rich andgrand£®The guests departed£»it was past midnight£®Themothers kissed the bride and bridegroom£¬and I saw thesetwo alone by themselves£¬though the curtains were drawnalmost quite close£®The lamp lit up the cosy chamber£®'Iam so glad they are all gone now£¬'he said£¬and kissedher hands and lips£¬while she smiled and wept£¬leaningon his breast as the lotus flower rests on the rushing wa£­ters£¬and they spoke soft and happy words£®'Sleep sweet£­ly£¬'he said£¬and she drew the window curtains to oneside£®'How beautifully the moon shines£¬'she said£»'look how still and clear it is£®'Then she put out thelamp£¬and there was darkness in the room£¬but my raysbeamed even as his eyes did£®Womanliness£¬kiss thou thepoet's harp£¬when he sings of life's mysteries£®"




"I will give you a picture of Pompeii£¬"said theMoon£®"I was in the suburb in the Street of Tombs£¬as theycall it£¬where the fair monuments stand£¬in the spot where£¬ages ago£¬the merry youths£¬their temples bound with rosywreaths£¬danced with the fair sisters of Lais£®Now£¬the stillness of death reigned around£®German mercenaries£¬in the Neapolitan service£¬kept guard£¬played cards and dice£»and a troop of strangers from beyond the mountains came into the town£¬accompanied by a sentry£®They want- ed to see the city that had risen from the grave illumined by my beams£»and I showed them the wheel£­ruts in the streets paved with broad lava slabs£»I showed them the names on the doors£¬and the signs that hung£¡there yet£º

they saw in the little courtyard the basins of the foun- tains£¬ornamented with shells£»but no jet of water gushed upwards£¬no songs sounded forth from the richly-painted chambers£¬where the bronze dog kept the door£®

"It was the City of the Dead£»only Vesuvius thun£­ dered forth his everlasting hymn£¬each separate verse of which is called by men an eruption£®We went to the tem£­ ple of Venus£¬built of snow-white marble£¬with its high altar in front of the broad steps£¬and the weeping-willows sprouting freshly forth among the pillars£®The air was transparent and blue£¬and black Vesuvius formed the background£¬with fire ever shooting forth from it£¬like the stem of the pine tree£®Above it stretched the smoky cloud in the silence of the night£¬like the crown of the pine£¬ but in a blood-red illumination£®Among the company was a lady singer£¬a real and great singer£®I have witnessed the homage paid to her in the greatest cities of Europe£®

When they came to the tragic theatre£¬they all sat down on the amphitheatre steps£¬and thus a small part of the house was occupied by an audience£¬as it had been many cen- turies ago£®The stage still stood unchanged£¬and its walled side-scenes£¬and the two arches in the background£¬ through which the beholders saw the same scene that had been exhibited in the old times—a scene painted by Na- ture herself£¬namely£¬the mountains between Sorrento and Amalfi£®The singer gaily mounted the ancient stage£¬and sang£®The place inspired her£¬and she reminded me of a wild Arab horse£¬that rushes headlong on with snorting nostrils and flying mane—her song was so light and yet so firm£®Anon I thought of the mourning mother beneath the cross at Golgotha£¬so deep was the expression of pain£®

And£¬just as it had done thousands of years ago£¬the sound of applause and delight now filled the theatre£®'Happy£¬ gifted creature£¡'all the hearers exclaimed£®Five minutes more£¬and the stage was empty£¬the company had van£­ ished£¬and not a sound more was heard—all were gone£®

But the ruins stood unchanged£¬as they will stand when centuries shall have gone by£¬and when none shall know of the momentary applause and the triumph of the fair songstress£»when all will be forgotten and gone£¬and even for me this hour will be but a dream of the past£®"




"I looked through the windows of an editor's house£¬"

said the Moon£®"It was somewhere in Germany£®I saw handsome furniture£¬many books£¬and a chaos of newspa£­ pers£®Sevral young men were present£ºthe editor himself stood at his desk£¬and two little books£¬both by young au£­ thors£¬were to be noticed£®'This one has been sent to me£¬'

said he£®'I have not read it yet£¬but it is nicely got up£»

what think you of the contents£¿''Oh£¬'said the person addressed—he was a poet himself—'it is good enough£»a little drawn out£»but£¬you see£¬the author is still young£®

The verses might be better£¬to be sure£»the thoughts are sound£¬though there is certainly a good deal of common£­ place among them£®But what will you have£¿You can't be alawys getting something new£®That he'll turn out anything great I don't believe£¬but you may safely praise him£®He is well read£¬a remarkable Oriental scholar£¬and has a good judgement£®It was he who wrote that nice review of my Re- flections on Domestic Life£®We must be lenient towards the young man£®'

 "'But he is a complete ass£¡'objected another of the gentlemen£®'Nothing is in poetry than mediocrity£¬and he certaily does not go beyond that£®'

 "' Poor fellow£¡'observed a third£¬' and his aunt is so happy about him£®It was she£¬Mr£®Editor£¬who got to£­ gether so many subscribers for your last translation£®'

 "'Ah£¬the good woman£¡Well£¬I have noticed the book briefly£®Undoubted talent—a welcome offering—a flower in the garden of poetry—prettily brought out—and so on£®But this other book—I suppose the author expects me to purchase it£¿I hear it is praised£®He has genius£¬ certainly£ºdon't you tink so£¿'

 "' Yes£¬all the world declares as much£¬'replied the poet£¬' but it has turned out rather wildly£®The punctua£­ tion of the book£¬in particular£¬is very eccentrics£®'

 "' It will be good for him if we pull him to pieces£¬ and anger him a little£¬otherwise he will get too good an opinon of himself£®'

 "'But that would be unfair£¬'objected the fourth£®

'Let us not carp at little faults£¬but rejoice over the real and abundant good that we find here£ºhe surpasses all the rest£®'

 "'Not so£®If he be a true genius£¬he can bear the sharp voice of censure£®There are people enough to praise him£®Don't let us quite turn his head£®'

 "'Decided talent£¬'wrote the editor£¬'with the usual carelessness£®That he can write incorrect verses may be seen in page 25£¬where there are two false quantities£®We recommend him to study the ancients£¬£¦c£®'

 "I went away£¬"continued the Moon£¬"and looked through the windows in the aunt's house£®There sat the be£­praised poet£¬the tame one£»all the guests paid homage to him£¬and he was happy£®

 "I sought out the other poet£¬the wild one£»him also I found in a great assembly at his patron's£¬where the tame poet's book was being discussed£®

 "'I shall read yours also£¬'said Maecenas£»'but to speak honestly—you know I never hide my opinion from you—I don't expect much from it£¬for you are much too wild£¬too fantastic£®But it must be allowed that£¬as a man£¬you are highly respectable£®'

 "A young girl sat in a corner£»and she read in a book these words£º

 'In the dust lies genius and glory But ev'rv£­day talent will pay£®

 It's only the old£¬old story But the piece is repeated each day£®'"




 The Moon said£¬"Beside the woodland path there are two small farm£­houses£®The doom are low£¬and some of the windows are quite high£¬and others close to the ground£»and white£­thorn and barberry bushes grow around them£®The roof of each house is overgrown with moss and with yellow flowers and house-leek£®Cabbage and potatoes are the only plants in the gardens£¬but out of the hedge there grows an elder tree£¬and under this tree sat a little girl£¬and she sat with her eyes fixed upon the old oak tree between the two huts£®

 "It was an old withered stem£®It had been sawn off at the top£¬and a stork had built his nest upon it£»and he stood in this nest clapping with his beak£®A little boy came and stood by the girl's side£ºthey were brother and sister£®

 "'What are you looking at£¿'he asked£®

 "'I'm watching the stork£¬'she replied£º'our neigh- bour told me that he would bring us a little brother or sister today£»let us watch to see it come£¡'

 "'The stork brings no such things£¬'the boy de£­ clared£¬'you may be sure of that£®Our neighbour told me the same thing£¬but she laughed when she said it£¬and so I asked her if she could say£®' On my honour'£¬and she could not£»and I know by that that the story about the storks is not true£¬and that they only tell it to us children for fun£®'

 "'But where do the babies come from£¬then£¿'asked the girl£®

 "'Why£¬an angel from heaven brings them under his cloak£¬but no man can see him£»and that's why we never know when he brings them£®'

 "At that moment there was a rustling in the branches of the elder tree£¬and the children folded their hands and looked at one another£ºit was certainly the angel coming with the baby£®They took each other's hand£¬and at that moment the door of one of the houses opened£¬and the neighbour appeared£®

 "'Come in£¬you two£¬'she said£®'See what the stork has brought£®It is a little brother£®'

 "And the children nodded£¬for they had felt quite sure already that the baby was come£®"




 "I was gliding over the Lüneborg Heath£¬"the Moon said£®"A lonely hut stood by the wayside£¬a few scanty bushes grew near it£¬and a nightingale who had lost his way sang sweetly£®He died in the coldness of the night£ºit was his farewell song that I heard£®

 "The dawn came glimmering red£®I saw a caravan of emigrant peasant families who were bound to Bremen or Hamburg£¬there to take ship for America£¬where fancied prosperity would bloom for them£®The mothers carried their little children at their backs£¬the elder ones skipped by their sides£¬and a poor starved horse tugged at a cart that bore their scanty effects£®The cold wind whistled£¬and therefore the little girl nestled closer to the mother£¬who£¬ looking up at my decreasing disk£¬thought of the bitter want at home£¬and spoke of the heavy taxes they had not been able to raise£®The whole caravan thought of the same thing£»

therefore the rising dawn seemed to them a message from the sun£¬of fortune that was to gleam brightly upon them£®

They heard the dying nightingale sing£ºit was no false prophet£¬but a harbinger of fortune£®The wind whistled£¬ therefore they did not understand that the nightingale sang£¬ 'Far away over the sea£¡Thou hast paid the long passage with all that was thine£¬and poor and helpless shalt thou enter Canaan£®Thou must sell thyself£¬thy wife£¬and thy children£®But your griefs shall not last long£®Behind the broad fragrant leaves lurks the goddess of death£¬and her welcome kiss shall breathe fever into thy blood£®Fare away£¬ fare away£¬over the heaving billows£®'And the caravan lis- tened well pleased to the song of the nightingale£¬which seemed to promise good fortune£®Day broke through the light clouds£»country people went across the heath to church£ºthe black£­gowned women with their white head- dresses looked like ghosts that had stepped forth from the church pictures£®All around lay a wide dead plain£¬covered with faded brown heath£¬and black charred spaces between the white sand£­hills£®The women carried hymn books£¬and walked into the church£®Oh£¬pray£¬pray for those who are wandering to find graves beyond the foaming billows£®"




 "I know a Punchinello£¬"the Moon told me£®"The pubic applaud vociferously directly they see him£®Every one of his movements is comic£¬and is sure to throw the house into convulsions off laughter£»and yet there is no art in it all—it is complete nature£®When he was yet a little boy£¬playing about with other boys£¬he was already Punch£®Nature had intended him for it£¬and had provided him with a hump on his back£¬and another on his breast£»but his in£­ ward man£¬his mind£¬on the contrary£¬was richly fur£­ nished£®No one could surpass him in depth of feeling or in readiness of intellect£®The theatre was his ideal world£®If he had possessed a slender well£­shapea figure£¬he might have been the first tragedian on any stage£»the heroic£¬the great£¬filled his soul£»and yet he had to become a Punchinello£®His very sorrow and melancholy did but in£­ crease the comic dryness of his sharply£­cut features£¬and increased the laugher of the audience£¬who showered plau£­ dits on their favourite£®The lovely Columbine was indeed kind and cordial to him£»but she preferred to marry the Harlequin£®It would have been too ridiculous if beauty and the beast had in reality paired together£®

 "When Punchinello was in very bad spirits£¬she was the only one who could force a smile or even a hearty burst of laughter from him£ºfirst she would be melancholy with him£¬then quieter£¬and at last quite cheerful and hap£­ py£®'I know very well what is the matter with you£¬'she said£»'yes£¬you're in love£¡'And he could not help laughing£®'I in love£¡'he cried£¬'that would have an absurd look£®How the public would shout£¡''Certainly£¬ you are in love£¬'she continued£»and added with a com- ic pathos£¬'and I am the person you are in love with£®'

You see£¬such a thing may be said when it is quite out of the question—and indeed£¬Punchinello burst out laughing£¬and gave a leap into the air£¬and his melan£­ choly was forgotten£®

 "And yet she had only spoken the truth£®He did love her£¬love her adoringly£¬as he loved what was great and lofty in art£®At her wedding he was the merriest among the guests£¬but in the stillness of night he wept£º

if the public had seen his distorted face then£¬they would have applauded rapturously£®

 "And a few days ago£¬Columbine died£®On the day of the funeral£¬Harlequin was not required to show him£­ self on the boards£¬for he was a disconsolate widower£®The director had to give a very merry piece£¬that the public might not too painfully miss the pretty Columbine and the agile Harlequin£®Therefore Punchinello had to be more boisterous and extravagant than ever£»and he danced and capered£¬with despair in his heart£»and the audience yelled£¬and shouted£¬'Bravo£¡Bravissimo£¡'Punchinello was called before the curtain£®He was pro£­ nounced inimitable£®

 "But last night the hideous little fellow went out of the town£¬quite alone£¬to the deserted churchyard£®The wreath of flowers on Columbine's grave was already fad£­ ed£¬and he sat down there£®It was a study for a painter£®As he sat with his chin on his hands£¬his eyes turned up towards me£¬he looked like a grotesque monument—a Punch on a grave—peculiar and whimsical£¡If the people could have seen their favourite£¬they would have cried as usual£¬'Bravo£¬Punchinello£¡Bravo£¬ Bravissimo£¡'"




 Hear what the Moon told me£®"I have seen the cadet who had just been made an officer put on his handsome uniform for the first time£»I have seen the young girl in her ball£­dress£¬and the Prince's young wife happy in her gorgeous robes£»but never have I seen a felicity equal to that of a little girl of four years old£¬whom I watched this evening£®She had received a new blue dress and a new pink hat£»the splendid attire had just been put on£¬and all were calling for a candle£¬for my rays£¬shining in through the windows of the room£¬were not bright enough for the occasion£¬and further illumination was required£®

There stood the little maid£¬stiff and upright as a doll£¬ her arms stretched painfully straight out away from the dress£¬and her fingers apart£»and£¬oh£¬what happiness beamed from her eyes and from her whole countenance£¡

'Tomorrow you shall go out in your new clothes£¬'said her mother£»and the little one looked up at her hat and down at her frock£¬and smiled brightly£®'Mother£¬'she cried£¬'what will the little dogs think when they see me in these splendid new things£¿'"




 "I have spoken to you of Pompeii£¬"said the Moon£»

"that corpse of a city£¬exposed in the view of living towns£º

I know another sight still more strange£¬and this is not the corpse£¬but the spectre of a city£®Whenever the jetty foun£­ tains splash into the marble basins£¬they seem to me to be telling the story of the floating city£®Yes£¬the spouting wa£­ ter may tell of her£¬the waves of the sea may sing of her fame£¡On the surface of the ocean a mist often rests£¬and that is her widow's veil£®The Bridegroom of the Sea is dead£¬his palace and his city are his mausoleum£¡Dost thou know this city£¿She has never heard the rolling of wheels or the hoof£­tread of horses in her streets£¬through which the fish swim£¬while the black gondola glides spectrally over the green water£®I will show you the place£¬"continued the Moon£¬"the largest square in it£¬and you will fancy yourself transported into the city of a fairy tale£®The grass grows rank among the broad flagstones£¬and in the morning twilight thousands of tame pigeons flutter around the solitary lofty tower£®On three sides you find yourself surrounded by cloistered walks£®In these the silent Turk sits smoking his long pipe£»the handsome Greek leans against the pillar£¬and gazes at the upraised trophies and lofty masts£¬memorials of power that is gone£®The flags hang down like mourning scarves£®A girl rests there£ºshe has put down her heavy pails filled with water£¬the yoke with which she has carried them rests on one of her shoulders£¬and she leans against the mast of victory£®

 "That is not a fairy palace you see before you yon£­ der£¬but a church£ºthe gilded domes and shining orbs flash back my beams£»the glorious bronze horses up yon£­ der have made journeys£¬like the bronze horse in the fairy tale£ºthey have come hither£¬and gone hence£¬and have returned again£®

 "Do you notice the variegated splendour of the walls and windows£¿It looks as if Genius had followed the caprices of a child£¬in the adornment of these singu£­ lar temples£®Do you see the winged lion on the pillar£¿

The gold glitters still£¬but his wings are tired—the lion is dead£¬for the King of the Sea is dead£»the great halls stand desolate£¬and where gorgeous paintings hung of yore£¬the naked wall now peers through£®

 "The beggar sleeps under the arcade£¬whose pave- ment in old times was trodden only by the feet of the high nobility£®From the deep wells£¬and perhaps from the prisons by the Bridge of Sighs£¬rise the accents of woe£¬as at the time when the tambourine was heard in the gay gondolas£¬and the golden ring was cast from the Bucentaur to Adria£¬the Queen of the Seas£®Adria£¡

Shroud thyself in mists£»let the veil of thy widowhood shroud thy form£¬and clothe in the weeds of woe the mausoleum of thy bridegroom—the marble£¬spectral Venice£¡"




 "I looked down upon a great theatre£¬"said the Moon£®"The house was crowded£¬for a new actor was to make his first appearance that night£®My rays glided over a little window in the wall£¬and I saw a painted face with the forehead pressed against the panes£®It was the hero of the evening£®The knightly curled crisply about the chin£»but there were tears in the man's eyes£¬for he had been hissed off£¬and indeed with reason£®The poor Inca- pable£¡But Incapables cannot be admitted into the empire of Art£®He had deep feeling£¬and loved his art enthusias£­ tically£¬but the art loved not him£®The prompter's bell sounded£»' the hero enters with a determined air£¬'so ran the stage direction in his part£¬and he had to appear be£­ fore an audience who turned him into ridicule£®When the piece was over£¬I saw a form wrapped in a mantle creep£­ ing down the steps£ºit was the vanquished knight of the evening£®The scene—shifters whispered to one another£¬ and I followed the poor fellow home to his room£®To hang oneself is to die a mean death£¬and poison is not always at hand£¬I know£»but he thought of both£®I saw how he looked at his face in the glass£¬with eyes half

closed£¬to see if he should look well as a corpse£®A man may be very unhappy£¬and yet exceedingly affected£®He thought of death£¬of suicide£»I believe he pitied himself£¬ for he wept bitterly£»and when a man has had his cry out he doesn't kill himself£®

 "Since that time a year had rolled by£®Again a play was to be acted£¬but in a little theatre£¬and by a poor strolling company£®Again I saw the well-remembered face£¬ with the painted cheeks and the crisp beard£®He looked up at me and smiled and yet he had been hissed off only a minute before—hissed off from a wretched theatre by a miserable audience£®And tonight a shabby hearse rolled out of the town gate£®It was a suicide—our paint- ed£¬despised hero£®The driver of the hearse was the only person present£¬for no one followed except my beams£®

In a corner of the churchyard the corpse of the suicide was shovelled into the earth£¬and nettles will soon be rankly growing over his grave£¬and the sexton will throw thorns and weeds from the other graves upon it£®"




 "I come Rome£¬"said the Moon£®"In the midst of the city£¬upon one of the seven hills£¬lie the ruins of the imperial palace£®The wild fig-tree grows in the clefts of the wall£¬and covers the nakedness thereof with its broad grey-green leaves£»trampling among heaps of rubbish£¬the ass treads upon green laurels£¬and re- joices over the rank thistles£®From this spot£¬whence the eagles of Rome once flew abroad£¬whence they'came£¬ saw£¬and conquered£¬'a door leads into a little mean house£¬built of clay between two broken marble pillars£»

the wild vine hangs like a mourning garland over the crooked window£®An old woman and her little grand- daughter live there£ºthey rule now in the palace of the Caesars£¬and show to strangers the remains of its past glories£®Of the splendid throne-room only a naked wall yet stands£¬and a black cypress throws its dark shadow on the spot where the throne once stood£®The earth lies several feet deep on the broken pavement£»and the little maiden£¬now the daughter of the imperial palace£¬often sits there on her stool when the evening bells ring£®The keyhole of the door close by she calls her turret window£»

through this she can see half Rome£¬as far as the mighty cupola of St£®Peter's£®

 "On this evening£¬as usual£¬stillness reigned around£»

and in the full beam of my light came the little grand- daughter£®On her head she carried an earthen pitcher of antique shape filled with water£®Her feet were bare£¬her short frock and her white sleeves were torn£®I kissed her pretty round shoulders£¬her dark eyes£¬and black shining hair£®She mounted the stairs£»they were steep£¬having been made up of rough blocks of broken marble and the capital of a fallen pillar£®The coloured lizards slipped away£¬star- tled£¬from before her feet£¬but she was not frightened at them£®Already she lifted her hand to pull the doorbell—a hare's foot fastened to a string formed the bell-handle of the imperial palace£®She paused for a moment—of what might she be thinking£¿Perhaps of the beautiful Christ- child£¬dressed in gold and silver£¬which was down below in the chapel£¬where the silver candlesticks gleamed so bright£¬and where her little friends sang the hymns in which she also could join£¿I know not£®Presently she moved again—she stumbled£»the earthen vessel fell from her head£¬and broke on the marble steps£®She burst into tears£®

The beautiful daughter of the imperial palace wept over the worthless broken pitcher£»with her bare feet she stood there weeping£¬and dared not pull the string£¬the bell-rope of the imperial palace£¡"




 It was more than a fortnight since the Moon had shone£®Now he stood once more£¬round and bright£¬above the clouds£¬moving slowly onward£®Hear what the Moon told me£®

 "From a town in Fezzan I followed a caravan£®On the margin of the sandy desert£¬in a salt plain£¬that shone like a frozen lake£¬and was only covered in spots with light drifting sand£¬a halt was made£®The eldest of the compa- ny—the water-gourd hung at his girdle£¬and by his head lay—a little bag of unleavened bread—drew a square in the 1336 sand with his staff£¬and wrote in it a few words out of the Koran£¬and then the whole caravan passed over the conse- crated spot£®A young merchant£¬a child of the East£¬as I could tell by his eye and his figure£¬rode pensively for- ward on his white snorting steed£®Was he thinking£¬Per- chance£¬of his fair young wife£¿It was only two days ago that the camel£¬adorned with furs and with costly shawls£¬ had carried her£¬the beauteous bride£¬round the walls of the city£¬while drums and cymbals had sounded£¬the women sang£¬and festive shots£¬of which the bridegroom fired the greatest number£¬resounded round the camel£»

and now he was journeying with the caravan across the desert£®

 "For many nights I followed the train£®I saw them rest by the well-side among the stunted palms£»they thrust the knife into the breast of the camel that had fallen£¬and roasted its flesh by the fire£®My beams cooled the glowing sands£¬and showed them the black rocks£¬dead islands in the immense ocean of sand£®No hostile tribes met them in their pathless route£¬no storms arose£¬no columns of sand whirled destruction over the journeying caravan£®At home the beautiful wife prayed for her husband and her father£®

'Are they dead£¿'she asked of my golden crescent£»'Are they dead£¿'she cried to my full disk£®Now the desert lies behind them£®This evening they sit beneath the lofty palm-trees£¬where the crane flutters round them with its long wings£¬and the pelican watches them from the branches of the mimosa£®The luxuriant herbage is tram- pled down£¬crushed by the feet of elephants£®A troop of negroes are returning from a market in the interior of the land£»the women£¬with copper buttons in their black hair£¬ and decked out in clothes dyed with indigo£¬drive the heavily-laden oxen£¬on whose backs slumber the naked black children£®A negro leads by a string a young lion which he has bought£®They approach the caravan£»the young merchant sits pensive and motionless£¬thinking of his beautiful wife£¬dreaming£¬in the land of the blacks£¬of his white fragrant lily beyond the desert£®He raises his head£¬and—"

 But at this moment a cloud passed before the Moon£¬ and then another£®I heard nothing more from him that evening£®




 "I saw a little girl weeping£¬"said the Moon£º"she was weeping over the depravity of the world£®She had re- ceived a most beautiful doll as a present£®Oh£¬that was a glorious doll£¬so fair and delicate£¡She did not seem creat- ed for the sorrows of this world£®But the brothers of the lit- tle girl£¬those great naughty boys£¬had set the doll high up in the branches of a tree£¬and had run away£®

 "The little girl could not reach up to the doll£¬and could not help her down£¬and that is why she was crying£®

The doll must certainly have been crying too£¬for she stretched out her arms among the green branches£¬and looked quite mournful£®Yes£¬these are the troubles of life of which the little girl had often heard tell£®Alas£¬poor doll£¡It began to grow dark already£»and night would soon come on£¡Was she to be left sitting there alone on the bough all night long£¿No£¬the little maid could not make up her mind to that£®'I'll stay with you£¬'she said£¬al- though she felt anything but happy in her mind£®She could almost fancy distinctly saw little gnomes£¬with their high-crowned hats£¬sitting in the bushes£»and farther back in the long walk£¬tall spectres appeared to be dancing£®

They came nearer and nearer£¬and stretched out their hands towards the tree on which the doll sat£»they laughed scorn- fully£¬and pointed at her with their fingers£®Oh£¬how frightened the little maid was£¡'But if one has not done anything wrong£¬'she thought£¬'nothing evil can harm one£®

I wonder if I have done anything wrong£¿'And she consid- ered£®'Oh£¬yes£¡I laughed at the poor duck with the red rag on her leg£»she limped along so funnily£¬I could not help laughing£»but it's a sin to laugh at animal£®'And she looked up at the doll£®'Did you laugh at animals£¿'she asked£»and it seemed as if the doll shook her head£®"




 "I looked down on Tyrol£¬"said the Moon£¬"and my 1338 beams caused the dark pines to throw long shadows upon

the rocks£®I looked at the pictures of St£®Christopher carrying the Infant Jesus that are painted there upon the walls of the houses£¬colossal figures reaching from the ground to the roof£®St£®Florian was represented pouring water on the burning house£¬and the Lord hung bleeding on the great cross by the wayside£®To the present gener- ation these are old pictures£¬but I saw when they were put up£¬and marked how one followed the other£®On the brow of the mountain yonder is perched£¬like a swallow 's nest£¬a lonely convent of nuns£®Two of the sisters stood up in the tower tolling the bell£»they were both young£¬ and the therefore their glances flew over the mountain out into the world£®A travelling coach passed by below£¬the

postilion wound his horn£¬and the poor nuns looked after the carriage for a moment with a mournful glance£¬and a tear gleamed in the eyes of the younger one£®And the horn sounded faintly and more faint£¬and the convent bell drowned its expiring echoes£®"




 Hear what the Moon told me£®"Some years ago£¬here in Copenhagen£¬I looked through the window of a mean little room£®The father and mother slept£¬but the little son was awake£®I saw the flowered cotton curtains of the bed move£¬and the child peep forth£®At first I thought he was looking at the great clock£¬which was gaily painted in red and green£®At the top sat a cuckoo£¬below hung the heavy leaden weights£¬and the pendulum with the polished disk of metal went to and fro£¬and said£¬'Tick£¬tick£®'But no£¬he was not looking at the clock£¬but at his mother's spinning£­wheel£¬that stood just underneath it£®

That was the boy's favourite piece of furniture£¬but he dared not touch it£¬for if he meddled with it he got a rap on the knuckles£®For hours together£¬when his mother was spinning£¬he would sit quietly by her side£¬watching the whirring spindle and the revolving wheel£¬and as he sat he thought of many things£®Oh£¬if he might only turn£¬ the wheel himself£¡Father and mother were asleep£ºhe looked at them£¬and looked at the spinning£­wheel£¬and presently a little naked foot peeped out of the bed£¬and then a second foot£¬and then two little white legs£®There he stood£®He looked round once more£¬to see if father and mother were still asleep£¬—yes£¬they slept£»and now he crept softly£¬softly£¬in his short little nightgown£¬to the spinning£­wheel£¬and began to spin£®The thread flew from the wheel£¬and the wheel whirled faster and faster£®I kissed his fair hair and his blue eyes£¬it was such a pretty picture£®

 "At that moment the mother awoke£®The curtain shook£»she looked forth£¬and fancied she saw a gnome or some other kind of little spectre£®'In Heaven's name£¡'

she cried£¬and aroused her husband in a frightened way£®

He opened his eyes£¬rubbed them with his hands£¬and looked at the brisk little lad£®' Why£¬that is Bertel£¬'said he£®And my eye quitted the poor room£¬for I have so much to see£®At the same moment I looked at the halls of the Vatican£¬where the marble gods are enthroned£®I shone upon the group of the Laocoon£»the stone seemed to sigh£®I pressed a silent kiss on the lips of the Muses£¬and they seemed to stir and move£®But my rays lingered longest about the Nile group with the colossal god£®Lean- ing against the Sphinx£¬he lies there thoughtful and medi£­ tative£¬as if he were thinking on the rolling centuries£»

and little love£­gods sport with him and with the crocodiles£®In the horn of plenty sits with folded arms a little tiny love£­god contemplating the great solemn river- god£¬a true picture of the boy at the spinning-wheel—the features were exactly the same£®Charming and lifelike stood the little marble form£¬and yet the wheel of the year has turned more than a thousand times since the time when it sprang forth from the stone£®Just as often as the boy in the little room turned the spinning£­wheel had the great wheel murmured£¬before the age could again call forth marble gods equal to those he afterwards formed£®

 "Years have passed since all this happened£¬"the Moon went on to say£®"Yesterday I looked upon a bay on the eastern coast of Denmark£®Glorious woods are there£¬ and high banks£¬an old knightly castle with red walls£¬ swans floating in the ponds£¬and in the background ap£­ pears£¬among orchards£¬a little town with a church£®Many boats£¬the crews all furnished with torches£¬glided over the silent expanse—but these fires had not been kindled for catching fish£¬for everything had a festive look£®Music sounded£¬a song was sung£¬and in one of the boats a man stood erect£¬to whom homage was paid by the rest£¬a tall sturdy man£¬wrapped in a cloak£®He had blue eyes and long white hair£®I knew him£¬and thought of the Vatican£¬ and of the group of the Nile£¬and the old marble gods£®I thought of the simple little room where little Bertel sat in his nightshirt by the spinning£­wheel£®The wheel of time has turned£¬and new gods have come forth from the stone£®

From the boats there arose a shout£º'Hurrah£¡Hurrah for Bertel Thorwaldsen£¡'"




 "I will now give you a picture from Frankfort£¬"

said the Moon£®"I especially noticed one building there£®

It was not the house in which Goethe was born£¬nor the old council house£¬through whose greated windows peered the horns of the oxen that were roasted and given to the people when the Emperors were crowned£®No£¬it was a pri£­ vate house£¬plain in appearance£¬and paited green£®It stood at the corner of the narrow Jews'Street£®It was Roth£­ schild's house£®

 "I looked through the open door£®The staircase was brilliantly lighted£ºservants carrying wax candles in massive silver candlesticks stood there£¬and bowed low before an aged woman£¬who was being brought downstairs in a litter£®

The proprietor of the house stood bareheaded£¬and respect£­ fully imprinted a kiss on the hand of the old woman£®She was his mother£®She nodded in a friendly manner to him and to the servants£¬and they carried her into the dark nar£­ row street£¬into a little house that was her dwelling£®Here her children had been born£¬from hence the fortune of the family had arisen£®If she deserted the despised street and the little house£¬fortune would perhaps desert her children£®

That was her firm belief£®"

 The Moon told me no more£»his visit this evening was far too short£®But I thought of the old woman in the narrow despised street£®It would have cost her but a word£¬and a brilliant house would have arisen for her on the banks of the Thames—a word£¬and a villa would have been pre- pared in the Bay of Naples£®

 "If I deserted the lowly house£¬where the fortunes of my sons first began to bloom£¬fortune would desert them£¡"

It was a superstition£¬but a superstition of such a class£¬ that he who knows the story and has seen this picture£¬ need have only two words placed under the picture to make him understand it£»and these two words are£º"A mother£®"




 "It was yesterday£¬in the morning twilight"—these are the words the Moon told me—"in the great city no chimney was yet smoking—and it was just at the chimneys that I was looking£®Suddenly a little head emerged from one of them£¬and then half a body£¬the arms resting on the rim of the chimney£­pot£®'Hurrah£¡'cried a voice£®I was the little chimney£­sweeper£¬who had for the first time in his life crept through a chimney and stuck out his head at the top£®'Hurrah£¡'Yes£¬certainly that was a very dif£­ ferent thing from creeping about in the dark narrow chim- neys£¡The air blew so fresh£¬and he could look over the whole city toward the green wood£®The sun was just ris- ing£®It shone round and great£¬just in his face£¬that beamed with with triumph£¬though it was very prettily blacked with soot£®

 "' The whole town can see me now£¬'he exclaimed£¬ 'and the moon can see me now£¬and the sun too£®Hur£­ rah£¡'And he flourished his broom in triumph£®"




 "Last night I looked down upon a town in China£¬"

said the Moon£®"My beams irradiated

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